Lecture Notes: Stratospheric Chemistry and the Ozone Layer
- Global Environmental Problem: Stratospheric ozone depletion.
- Local/Regional Problem: Ground-level air pollution.
- Precautionary Principle: Manufacturers must ensure new products/processes cause no harm.
- Historical Context: Replacement of sulfur dioxide with CFCs in refrigerators; later discovery of CFCs' role in ozone depletion.
Regions of the Atmosphere
- Troposphere: Ground level to ~15 km; contains 85% of atmosphere's mass.
- Stratosphere: ~15-50 km; contains the ozone layer.
- Ozone Layer: Bottom half of the stratosphere; filters harmful UV rays.
Environmental Concentration Units for Atmospheric Gases
- Absolute Concentrations: Molecules per cubic centimeter, partial pressure.
- Relative Concentrations: Mole fraction, parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb), parts per trillion (ppt).
The Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of UV
- UV Light: High-energy, short-wavelength light (50-400 nm).
- UV Regions: UV-C (200-280 nm), UV-B (280-320 nm), UV-A (320-400 nm).
- Health Effects: UV-B causes skin cancer, cataracts, immune system suppression; UV-A less harmful but penetrates deeper.
Absorption of Light by Molecules
- Electromagnetic Spectrum: X-rays, UV, visible, infrared.
- Absorption Spectrum: Shows relative fraction of light absorbed by a molecule as a function of wavelength.
- Photochemical Reactions: Reactions initiated by light energy.
Filtering of Sunlight's UV Component by Atmospheric O2 and O3
- O2: Filters UV light from 120-220 nm.
- O3: Filters UV light from 220-320 nm; ineffective in UV-A region.
Deleterious Effects of UV Light on Human Skin
- Skin Cancer: Most skin cancers due to UV-B overexposure.
- Melanoma: Linked to short periods of high UV exposure; higher incidence in fair-skinned individuals.
- Protection: Sunscreens, clothing, avoiding peak sunlight hours.
- Types: Reflect/scatter sunlight (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide) or absorb UV component (complex organic compounds).
- SPF: Sun Protection Factor; measures effectiveness against UV-B.
- UV-A Protection: Star system (4 stars = highest protection).
Other Environmental Effects of UV Light
- Eye Damage: Cataracts, macular degeneration.
- Immune System: Suppression, increased infectious diseases.
- Plants and Animals: Interference with photosynthesis, damage to aquatic life.
Variation in Light's Energy with Wavelength
- Photon Energy: E = hν or E = hc/λ.
- Energy Relationships: UV-C > UV-B > UV-A > visible > infrared.
- Photochemical Dissociation: Molecules absorb photons and dissociate if energy is sufficient.
Creation of Ozone in the Stratosphere
- Photochemical Decomposition: O2 + UV-C → 2O.
- Ozone Formation: O + O2 + M → O3 + M + heat.
- Temperature Inversion: Stratosphere warmer than air below or above due to ozone formation.
Destruction of Stratospheric Ozone
- Photochemical Decomposition: O3 + UV photon (λ < 320 nm) → O2* + O*.
- Catalytic Destruction: O3 + O → 2O2.
- Chapman Mechanism: Series of reactions for ozone production and destruction.
Catalytic Processes of Ozone Destruction
- Mechanism I: X + O3 → XO + O2; XO + O → X + O2.
- Mechanism II: X + O3 → XO + O2; X' + O3 → X'O + O2; XO + X'O → [XOOX'] → X + X' + O2.
- Catalysts: NO, OH, Cl, Br.
Atomic Chlorine and Bromine as X Catalysts
- Sources: Natural (CH3Cl, CH3Br) and synthetic (CFCs).
- Catalytic Efficiency: Bromine more efficient than chlorine.
- Inactive Forms: HCl, ClONO2, HBr, BrONO2.
Steady-State Analysis of Atmospheric Reactions
- Steady-State Approximation: Rate of formation = rate of destruction.
- Chapman Mechanism Analysis: Derivation of steady-state concentrations of O and O3.
Review Questions and Problems
- Factuals: Identify key gases, altitudes, wavelengths, and reactions.
- Conceptuals: Explain terms, mechanisms, and environmental impacts.
- Problems: Calculate rates, concentrations, and photon energies.
Teaching Tips
- Visual Aids: Use diagrams (e.g., Figure 1-1, 1-2, 1-3) to illustrate atmospheric regions, UV spectrum, and absorption spectra.
- Interactive Activities: Engage students with activities like the WHO database analysis on melanoma mortality rates.
- Real-World Connections: Discuss current events related to ozone depletion, CFC replacements, and environmental policy.
- Problem-Solving: Assign problems that require students to apply concepts to new scenarios, fostering critical thinking.
- Discussion: Encourage discussion on the precautionary principle, the role of international agreements, and the future of environmental chemistry.